
April Showers Bring May Flowers


Pollen. Gloomy Days.

The things we all could do without when approaching the Spring season but our desires do not make them any less useful when it comes to the benefit of nature. And as much as we believe that as humans, we have any say so on what happens in nature, we don't. The changing of seasons, just like the waves of the ocean and all other aspects of nature, are constant reminders that we are merely cogs in the machine. We all have a purpose, a given skillset, that allows us to best play our part in the larger system to uphold the equilibrium of the universe. 

I'm often asked why I create the content that I do, why I choose passion over business so consciously, how I could do so much for so many and receive so little in return. For a while, I was beginning to look in the mirror and question my sanity; attempting to make sense of my current position & lack of perceived success at my current point. But what I kept returning to in my self-reflection was, what many business tycoons would call, my "why" factor. Growing up a Hip Hop kid, watching the Jay Z's & the Puffy's of the industry, I have of course gained a long list of personal desires that seem "cool" to the thought but the reality is that has never been my motive for creating. My goal is to inspire the uninspired, to uplift the underdogs, to give hope to the hopeless & to seek truth for the forsaken. For too long, our only heroes wore chains & ran fields (both during slavery & presently) but the truth is that we are boundless, we can do whatever it is that we want. I only reveal that truth so that our kids and the generations prior can finally restore the balance that this planet needs to survive.

Linked up with the vibrant soul that is Mikayla on an overcast, slightly rainy day, the perfect metaphor for the Spring that I mentioned earlier. Her vibrant energy, paired with her vibrant fit allowed me to play with the tones to perfectly bring these images to life. For this shoot I played around with the Nikon 14-24mm 2.8 lens, yes I know, that muhfucka is a BEAST, & my trusty dusty, Nikon 35mm 1.8 lens. I've been dying to play around with new toys to create some new perspectives and after this shoot, I think wide will be the next evolution of the stories I intend to tell.