
RespectheShooter EPISODE 1 - The Intro

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My Youtube Channel is finally LIVE, it’s official!

It’s been a long time coming, stepping into vlogging as opposed to solely documenting my journey through words on this blog. I’ve been asked for years to mentor, to teach, to give advice on how to pursue photography but naturally, as an artist that has yet to fully bring my vision into fruition, I was skeptical because I wasn’t sure that the words of someone still trying to piece it together would even matter. And honestly, without Mike & Julian having asked me to speak at PhotoConvos, I’m not sure that even now I would have taken the step to actually make it happen. That moment, for me, marked a transition in my life to step into the positions that others see me standing in, even when I can’t always see them myself. I understand that I have been given a lot of light to this point and a lot of it I can share with those that can see it behind me. Now with COVID forcing us to stay in the house, I’ve had plenty of downtime to not only think about my WHYs (always important) but also giving me the time to create a product that I can stand behind.

The RespectheShooter Youtube Channel will serve as a teaching tool of skills that I’ve learned and am still learning, a platform to understand why some of the products and gear that we use as professionals is essential to our crafts, a showcasing of the talented creatives and brilliant minds around me and definitely a window into the life of a professional photographer. It’s not only for aspiring shooters but also for peers that I stand beside as well. I hope that it can be both educational & insightful, while also being entertaining.

Episode 1 is now up, you can watch it below or on Youtube under the RespectheShooter channel. Share it with friends, with family or even associates that you know are pursuing photography.