


Sometime in mid-2017, I found myself looking to shooters from other areas as a source of inspiration. Initially, my findings left me aiming to replicate a feeling of luxury in the images by increasing the intrinsic value of the spaces I chose to shoot in. But along the way, I realized that the images I was looking to make, were less concentrated on luxury and more focused on raw vulnerability - drawing from people innate desire to protct themselves from judgement, self-preservation. In this, my idea of locations became much more open-minded as well. The places and scenes that I am now choosing to inhabit with my art, are more artistically grounded in the places that we pass in every day life, added a much more real aspect to each image. 

Serving as a tester, Kristina (@TrillaKay) helped me tap into this reality and even though these photos were taken in a much warmer time of the year, revisiting them now helped to realize what this process actually taught me.

Also big shout out to Trill for plugging me in that show, she’s the booking firm & humanitarian of the future. Trust & believe.