
From the City


In all my travels, the one truth that remains constant is that there is no one like a DMV native. The sights, the sounds, the feelings we experience all shape the way we move, the way we speak & the way we think. It's an ingrained work of art that you can pick out of a room packed full of people. The DMV way has created so many great beings - it's the reason that the city is now turned on it's head. DC Rising.

This past year has been one of immense change for the city - from the vast spread of hypergentrification, to the sound of the city being re-invigorated, the future is looking bright. How we lock in on the energy will shape us all for the following years. Grind. & Grind harder. Keep pushing through the obstacles and don't let that energy dampen your flame. The dream is free but understand that the realization of it will take work. Big shoutout to Demi, for another great set. It's funny because we have yet to lock in to our fullest potential but once we do, I believe that some of my most prominent work will see the light.