
Entering an Awakening

It's a complete waste of time to tell the trailblazers, rebels, dreamers & creators that they're going the wrong way. We know. That's the point. We didn't come here to conform to the madness of the Matrix. We came to blow some minds and break down belief systems.”

- Sara Benamara


I know that it’s cliche to say, and I admit that I hate to be that guy, but I understand more and more as time passes how every present moment is only possible because of the exact choices we’ve made in the past. I, for most of my life, have pushed against the current with my life, choosing the past of most resistance at every turn. And to much disapproval of most people in my life, I have kept running in “the wrong direction”, and at times questioned my choice. It’s funny though, the person I am today at 33, as I sit here and type this post, is very grateful for every moment and decision in my life that has brought me here. I have made it to the other side of most of my decisions and I recognize that without the moments that I previously questioned, I would be different today; I’m more aware, more comfortable, and more confident in most rooms that I step in today and that is solely due to how uncomfortably I felt in previous moments.

I’m also aware of the importance of 33 and how big of a big year it’s considered in spiritual spaces. Most people have heard it referred to as the “Jesus year”, being the year that the Bible describes as his most active year of life, the year he transcended his humanity and walked as God on earth. Even outside of religion, the 33rd year is often associated with spiritual awakening, creativity, and manifestation. In numerology, 33 is reduced to the single digit of 6 (3 + 3 = 6), which is the number of harmony, balance, and unconditional love. This suggests that the energy of 33 is focused on creating harmony and balance in all aspects of your life.

What I can say, is that this year has fully prepared me for what I am stepping into with the importance of 33.

It hasn’t been a concentrated effort but life has delivered me to this point anyway.