
Another Publication : Selin Magazine

VOL. 823.jpg

A Little About Me

I’m big on self-awareness & chasing growth as the present becomes the past, or in other words, I choose to step into each day more wise than the previous. Now to be fair, that might be less than true, depending on who you ask but it’s the pursuit that counts, right? Something that can’t be argued is that growth is hard to measure without extreme circumstances to test it, rather than growth in theory. 2020 provided the perfect opportunity to test my patience, my trust in others & my belief in self, and with the way the year ended, I think I grew in each of those areas.

One of the hardest things for me in the past was to relinquish control in situations where people I trust were leading the way. Learning to be a follower is a lot more difficult than it sounds. I realized that part of my discomfort was created by my desire to have a certain quality in the work I present to the world. The problem is, in this field that we work in, trust is vital. There are so many moving pieces involved in creating the “masterpieces” that we’ve seen in the art world, so many people responsible for the geniuses that we praise in society. What would our favorites film be if the Chris Nolan didn’t trust Heath Ledger to improvise moments in scenes, or if David Fincher didn’t trust the lighting directors to understand the feeling that really creates the tone of a scene. In order for great ideas to come to life, a group of people have to decide to follow a vision and play a part in bringing it to life.


Enter the Idea

Since I met Mintyce, someone I create with often as you all may have seen, we have been throwing concepts back and forth to each other for inspiration. We had a few ideas in the cut, waiting to bring them to life but nothing that was moving forward beyond an idea. Unbeknownst to me, she had already started moving forward with one of them. So when she sent me the Brown Skin Girls moodbaord, my excitement was overflowing once I found out that she had already booked a hairstylist and another model.

BIG shoutout to Nia (@niaarosee) for coming through and delivering in the way that she did. We had talked via Instagram about working together but an idea had yet to make itself available. I was excited to find out that she was going to be involved in this shoot as well. Also, BIG shoutout to Cierra (@hairby_cierrapresha), for KILLING the hair and makeup for the shoot. Mintyce pulled the blazers and accessories.

But back to the original point, if I didn’t trust those around me in these moments, we would have never gotten picked up by Selin Magazine as an editorial feature.