
The Journey is The Destination

I’m back!

After an unexpected break from my previous standard of delivering content and blogging my process, Im back. During that time a lot has happened, and I mean A LOT.

I guess I’ll start with this - as I moved along my journey, over the ten years of building my skillset, connections and the RespectheShooter brand, I always thought I’d reach a point where I could scream out loud from the mountain top, “I made it!”. I am here to report, that moment will never come.

Let me catch you up on what’s been happening. Since September 2021, I have started a magazine with 2 other amazing individuals in the area, I have traveled a lot (again), I started what I would consider a dream job, I am in a beautifully blossoming relationship with an amazing person that I can call a partner, and so much more. Each of those things come with their own individual stories, so I will be making separate posts to accompany each of these new developments.

But I’m back! I won’t promise a frequency at the moment but expect consistency from this blog, as well as a few others (😏).

~Life & Love
