
Journal Entry


My relationship with writing is... complicated. I’m not sure when it started or how it came about but I never really practiced writing as a skill, I just always knew that I could. It came easy for me. The problem with things that come easily is that they often get neglected and pushed to the back of our minds. And like most complicated relationships, I'm not happy with how I neglect it. But something within me causes me to be less appreciative of things that come easy and I'm not sure why.

Being that change is within my control, I will be actively putting more effort into creating through words. I actually enjoy the art of writing, being able to bend and shape words in order to work in our favor has always felt like a form of martial arts and watching a good writer flex their abilities is like watching Ip Man go-through a group of people.  So for me, using writing to incorporate with my photos and tell bigger stories in multiple mediums has a lot of potential to grow brands that I work with. Understanding that business, good business for that matter, is just based in good storyteling makes being good at both that much more valuable. I'm not big on the "new year, new me" philosophy of going about change or even announcing it for that matter but this marks a point of change for me, so let's see how it goes. 
