
Big Shot


NY always seemed like the place where creatives go to thrive. Think about it, NY is a city full of creative outlets in every medium imaginable : fashion, Music, design, architecture, media, each have artistic residencies in the city. And that perfectly explains the undertone of hunger that you get while moving from borough to borough, everyone is on the move to obtain the next opportunity. The beauty in it, is that if you are an artist visiting, finding talented creatives to connect with becomes that much easier - it’s understood that if you exist within the boundaries of the city, then you are expecting to connect with someone dope.

 Me and Faith (@fayemaertens) were able to connect via my recent trip to LA but never got the opportunity to actually shoot while we were both out there. Funny enough she was making her way back East at the same time I was, and being that I wasn’t yet ready to settle back into DC life, I hopped a bus up to NY and was far from disappointed. As you can see from the pics, Faye is the truth. After only being in the craft for a few months, she killed this shoot with her angles, positions and her willingness to push herself outside of the realms of comfortability. I love working with models that are willing to climb shit, put their bodies in weird positions, dance & move with me as we find our own pocket of creativity. I can’t wait to get her in front of my camera again. The energy of hunger that exudes through her movements is what will bring a shooter to points of pushing themselves as well.