
Storytellers : In Loving Memory.... Calvin Shields

An ordinary man that lived an extraordinary life. 

Life is given to us with purpose, each of us working to experience and learn as much as possible with our limited time here. And through our journey we are to do our part to touch and positively influence as many people as we can. You often hear people speak about the concept of life and how to be fulfilled, we must live rather than merely exist but if we don't understand the concept at its core, that idiom will fail to connect in the mind of the masses. Living means more than just enjoying your days but in a deeper sense, embracing what it truly means to be alive. Each and every one of us consistently come in contact with other humans, as we are social beings and through this contact we hold the ability to influence. But in what is your influenced based? Are you pulling other down with negativity or uplifting them through positivity?

It has been said that to truly live, is to be selfless. Not selfless in a sense that you loose sight of your own personal growth but selfless in action, to the extent that our personal growth becomes a catalyst to help those around us. Our daily actions have affect on others, both in tangible and in intangible ways. For example, traveling abroad expands our perspective, opening our minds to be more accepting of realities outside of our own. This lesson learned, in turn, allows us to be more understanding throughout our social interactions; this lesson becomes a direct influence on our lives and others.

This is how we live to the fullest, this cycle of give and receive is the balance that keeps our natural world in equilibrium. It is this cycle in which we truly fulfill our duties in the life. It is this understanding of balance that places the angels of this world in our lives, not to provide us material spoils but to teach us how we are to truly live life on the beautifully, chaotic planet to the fullest.

And on February 19th, one of the angels of this world transcended beyond our realm. Leaving us with this example of life, this understanding of balance & a manual on how to truly live life to the fullest. 

Calvin K. Shields
1.8.25 - 2.19.17

Calvin K Shields