
From Artist to Artist

Me - Fairfax-27.jpg

While in LA, I got the time to walk through certain pockets of the city and truly explore LA for LA...somewhat. While exploring with Jaz, we came across this wall that I thought was dope. As we got closer the design on the will became more and more dynamic. The drawing, which felt like pre-present day civilization storytelling, had such a warm feeling to it. The story seemed to go on and never end. I came to find out shortly after admiring it with a ton of photos that this piece was an on-going installation at random places across the world.

The piece is called, "International Symbols of Travel", by artist Louis Carreon. Louis' manager & assistant came out and I got the opportunity to speak with him about art and our obligation as artists. It's hard to balance the desire to grow and gain financial stability while also staying as close to the people that have supported us from the beginning. The obligation comes into play as we rise, to remain to deliver the truth and above politics to the public but as Carreon's manager told us, gaining acclaim can sometimes hinder our connections. This piece is his conscious effort to deliver real, dope art to the masses without the politics of structured systems.

Moral of the story, stay true in your art no matter what politics try to hold back.